Kāpiti Now promotes the Kāpiti Coast, our community, our businesses, our events. Our business club enables our business members to network and learn from each other as well as help grow our marketing platforms for Kāpiti Now.
The Kapiti Economic Development Agency (KEDA) new board has voted to change its name to Kapiti Economic Development Association to better reflect its purpose as an association of businesses and professionals interested to actively support the growth and wellbeing of the Kapiti business eco system.
New Zealand’s first ever, not to be missed ‘Coastal Blues Concert’
Attracting an amazing line-up of renowned musicians in a Rhythm & Blues hub, we invite you to a one night only, high quality, 4 hour Blues experience right in the heart of the Kāpiti Coast.
Local ambassadors will spend the summer spreading the word about how to responsibly freedom camp in Kāpiti, and promote the district’s attractions with visitors as they do so.
Kāpiti Coast District Council is delighted an unprecedented $8.5 million in Jobs for Nature funding will be coming to the district over the next four years.
Kāpiti Coast, Wellington, New Zealand November 12 2020: Since 2015, the Kāpiti Food Fair has worked to develop enduring relationships with local volunteer groups as they are vital in helping with growth on an annual basis to run the many logistical aspects of the Fair.
We are excited to be celebrating 20 years of the Arts Trail on 7/8 and 14/15 November 2020 with a wonderfully diverse range of artists, and a chance to get close to many of our working artists as they create their work.
When local artists Jed Brophy and Tania Dally had their Kapiti Sunsets: Pixels and Paints Exhibition canned due to Covid restrictions in March, they thought about how to turn the disappointment into an opportunity.
Kāpiti Coast, Wellington, New Zealand October 23, 2020: Kāpiti Food Fair is thrilled to announce their special entertainment partnership with Coastella for this year’s Kāpiti Food Fair.