Stuart Ayres
The Kapiti Economic Development Agency (KEDA) new board has voted to change its name to Kapiti Economic Development Association to better reflect its purpose as an association of businesses and professionals interested to actively support the growth and wellbeing of the Kapiti business eco system. With the advent of the newly appointed Economic Development Kotahitanga Board (EDKB) established to implement the Kapiti Coast District Council Economic Development Strategy and Implementation Plan for 2020-2023 (Plan) one of KEDA’s founding objectives for an independent agency to foster growth in Kapiti has been fulfilled. The word “agency” is no longer appropriate and could cause confusion with the KCDC ‘s Economic Development Unit and the Wellington region’s economic development agency, WellingtonNZ.
KEDA’s new chair Stuart Ayres says it is now time for KEDA to turn its attention to actively attracting and supporting entrepreneurs and growth businesses in Kapiti. In so doing it will be undertaking its “jobs to do” as either Leader or Partner under the Plan. As a representative that actively works with and understands Kapiti’s SME community (95% of Kapiti businesses) KEDA will work closely with the new EDKB and other interest groups such as the Kapiti Chamber of Commerce. Stuart says it is vitally important that all business, community and interest groups familiarise themselves with the Plan and align and collaborate efforts to get behind the EDKB, which has a very impressive board. “We all need to sing off the same song sheet”. He is looking forward to being part of the action. “This is a unique opportunity for Kapiti to get it right, to serve the Kapiti community’s will to be “open for opportunity”- manifested in the districts Long Term Plan and recent election, to support the growing population with a growing and healthy business eco system. KEDA has a number of initiatives underway to support the Plan and businesses directly, to be announced in the New Year.”
Stuart Ayres
Chair, KEDA