Hoop Club Kapiti - Jnr Basketball Coaching Programme Term 1 2023 & HCK Adult Open Run Basketball Scrimmages
Hoop Club Kapiti’s Junior Basketball Coaching Programme restarts for Term 1 2022 Sunday 13 February.
Hoop Club would love to see you in 2022! We have some extra measures to keep everyone safe:
• Vaccine passes for all over the age of 12 years and 3 months of age
• Masks for all 8 years & over (unless you have a mask exemption). Masks can be removed when playing.
• Maximum 100 people in the gym and separate entry and exit from the gym.
• All equipment cleaned between sessions
Hoop Club Kapiti
Hoop Club Kapiti's Junior Basketball Coaching Programme restarts for Term 1 Sunday 9 February
Hoop Club Tournament held at Walter Nash Stadium - Hutt Valley
38 Teams played in this big one-day Basketball Tournament. With Teams coming from New Plymouth, Hawkes Bay, Whanganui, Palmerston North, Kapiti, Porirua, Wellington and the Hutt Valley Hoop Club Kapiti entered 5 Teams across the age groups 2x 8 & under Teams, the HCK Lakers & the HCK Spurs 1x 10 & Under Team the HCK Warriors 1x 12 & Under Team the HCK Heat and 1x 14 & Under Team the HCK Clippers
Winter Social League Basketball Finals - Results
Two Kapiti Based Basketball Players on Successful NZBA Tour 2019
Father's Day "Kids vs Dads" Games at Hoop Club Kapiti
The Saints visit Kapiti
The Wellington Saints Basketball Team came Marching in to Kapiti On Wednesday 26 June the NBL Wellington Saints Basketball Team came out to the Kapiti Pak'n Save.
Kapiti Pak'nSave organised for the Saints Team to come out to Kapiti and invited our Players, Coaches and Families to be part of the FUN on the day.
It was a gorgeous Kapiti sunny day and everyone had a ball, shooting hoops, winning prizes, a sausage sizzle and also winning tickets to the Saints last home game on Sunday 30 June.
A big thank you to Pak'nSave for organising a fun filled afternoon and also a big thanks to the Saints Basketball Team for taking time out to come and visit our kids and families on the Kapiti Coast. It was so great to see our Hoop Club Kapiti kids shooting hoops with the Saints boys that afternoon - something they will never forget!!!
- Angelo Robinson, Director of Coaching
Hoop Club Kapiti
Mother's Day "Kids vs Mums" Games at Hoop Club Kapiti on Sunday 12 May
Every year Hoop Club Kapiti hold their annual "Kids vs Mums" games at Hoop Club on Mother's Day. This is something all our players really look forward to.
It is always a great fun day with both the Mums and Kids all having a great time but both all trying to win. In fact it can get very competitive and this year was no exception, the Mums were all there out in force, and the players were keen to show off their skills they had learnt at Hoop Club.
The sessions started off with the players and the Mums doing the warm ups and skills and drills together. Then all the Mums took part in the Hot Shots Competitions with the kids watching and cheering their Mums on from the side lines.
After that the official Kids vs Mums games were played and all the games were all very close, but All the Mums were the winners on the day!!! As it should be!!!
If Mum wasn't able to be there players invited an older Sister, Aunty, Grandmother, Nana or Friend.
Hoop Club Kapiti also holds the same event - "Kids vs Dads" games on Father's Day so look out Dads - September is not that far away!!!
Photos attached from the day - photographs by Dawn Ireland-Spicer
-Hoop Club (Kapiti)
Congratulations to our Hoop Club Kapiti 2019 Summer Social League Basketball Winners
Congratulations to the Schmokey's Team
"Championship Winners" HCK Summer Social League 2019
Runners Up the Gorillas
3rd Place the Bears
The Hoop Club Kapiti Social League was once again an action packed 10 week competition with some great games played and everyone fighting hard to make it through to the playoffs, semi-finals and finals.
Director of Coaching Angelo Robinson said "All the games were played in the spirit of Basketball and a love of the game. Thanks to all the Teams who took part to make this another successful part of the Hoop Club Kapiti's Programmes for 2019.
The Hoop Club Kapiti Winter Social League starts on Wed 24 July for further information contact Lindsay 027 6194636 or contact@hoopclubkapiti.nz<mailto:contact@hoopclubkapiti.nz
-Hoop Club Kapiti