
Kāpiti Chamber Elects New Chair

Kāpiti Chamber Elects New Chair

Kāpiti, Friday 25 October 2019 - The Kāpiti Coast Chamber of Commerce has elected a new Chair and Board at its 2019 Annual General Meeting, held on the 23 October at Kāpiti Coast Airport.  

Jacinda Thorn is the new Board Chair,  and is joined by Sam Pritchard, Deputy Chair, Henry Kruger, Treasurer and Heather Hutchings is stepping into Secretary position.  

New member appointed to Kāpiti Coast District Council’s Audit and Risk Committee

Kāpiti Coast District Councillor and Audit and Risk Committee Chair, Mike Cardiff, is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Bryan Jackson as a new independent member of the Committee. 

“Mr Jackson will join the Committee for three years to serve as one of its two independent members,” says Councillor Cardiff. 

“He comes from a business background in sales and marketing, and has been working in management and directors roles for nearly 40 years.  

“He has also been an active member and chair of numerous business associations, community boards and charitable trusts, giving him a great range of experience to bring to the table when it comes to community issues. 

“I’d like to welcome Mr Jackson to the Committee. I am sure he’ll contribute an extremely worthy independent viewpoint over the next few years – for the Kāpiti Coast and the Council.”