Jacinda Thorn
Kāpiti, 1 July 2020 - The Chamber welcomes the release of the Independent Organisational Review of the Kāpiti Coast District Council, including recommendations KCDC stops using the term ‘Open for Business’.
Initiated by Councillor James Cootes, MartinJenkins (Martin, Jenkins & Associates Limited) began reviewing the Council in 2019, to identify what works well and what needs to be improved. The Kāpiti Coast Chamber of Commerce was interviewed as part of the Review.
Jacinda Thorn, Chair of the Kāpiti Coast Chamber of Commerce, says the Board is reviewing the in-depth recommendations in the report, but several key findings stood out immediately.
“MartinJenkins has recommended KCDC drops using the term ‘Open for Business, as the name of the initiative is ambiguous, and is open to interpretation.
“They also suggest there’s an improved focus on proactive communication and engagement with stakeholders, which we fully support. It’s always been our desire to have regular, proactive and open communication with KCDC, which has been inconsistent over recent years,” says Jacinda Thorn.
The Board will consider the findings from MartinJenkins at its July Board Meeting.
The Kāpiti Coast Chamber of Commerce exists to advance the economy by creating wealth and employment and solve local business issues by providing a collective voice for business in Kāpiti. Over 300 members in Kāpiti belong to the Kāpiti Coast Chamber of Commerce to stay connected, network and gain knowledge and support from our local membership.