Sarah George - Kapiti Coast Real Estate Agent
Sarah is a highly experienced Kapiti based real estate agent that has achieved consistent results over the years. You will instantly engage with Sarah who is known for her friendly approach and outstanding service and professionalism. Here is her story.
Sarah’s Story
Sarah was born in Aylesbury, United Kingdom to dad ‘Bill Letch’ and mum ‘Angela. Her brother Steven is slightly older than her, he lives in Brighton and works as financial research consultant for a bank in the UK.
In her youth, she attended St John Rigby catholic school where Sarah was very good at sporting activities. Sarah could run and one year she won all the races in her age group. She was also a member of the school choir.
When asking what sort of kid she was Sarah stated: “I was a cheeky child full of life with no inhibitions.”
She has fond memories of her Dad at the time playing rock and roll tapes while he dropped her off to school. Shared lunches were big in her day and she really enjoyed these.
“Every birthday at assembly we were invited up to receive a ‘ fizz bomb’ sweet from the headmaster.”
Sarah loved reading and writing and was good at it, not so hot on the mathematics. Outside of school, she loved being out on her rollerskates, camping in the back garden, playing water fights, and jumping in the paddling pool.
Secondary School - Bedford St Thomas More School
Her love of sports continued at Bedford St Thomas More School
Sports she played included Hockey, Judo, Squash and she joined the athletic club running as in middle distance category. Paula Radcliffe (UK/World marathon runner ) was in her training group.
She loved English literature as a subject and her teacher used to take the class into London to watch plays at a variety of theatres.
“Another passion was music; not so much the playing altho’ I did play the clarinet at one stage, but just music in general and spent every Sunday recording the top 40 onto cassettes. Duran Duran were the hot favourites at age 13 but I later developed more of a taste for alternative sounds like The Cure, Depeche mode and later Oasis, and a few other of the time.”
Humberside University (Now Lincoln University) and working life.
Sarah achieved a BA in Business Studies at Humberside University. She loved her time here. The University offers a great Higher Education pathway located in a historic and beautiful medieval city, with a super modern campus.
Before going to university she worked at a local accountancy firm.
“Mum pushed me towards this but I had already decided I would hate it before I started - and I did!”
Sarah then strategically got herself a job working for the British Council (managed foreign student applications for courses at Cambridge University in Cambridge.
“It was my way to move out of home. I shared a house with two other girls, One studying Law and the other working at a bank. I Loved my time in this house. I also took a waitressing job in the evenings and went to dance class once a week.”
“ I applied for university and started there in 1991. I was the oldest in my group of fellow students at 21 but it didn’t seem to matter too much. I excelled in the economics portion of the degree and continue to find this interesting. Was less impressed with business law despite initial excitement; I guess because it didn’t sit right that the law could be manipulated depending on the situation.”
Other memories - “ Lots of cheap beer, red wine bottles warming on the radiators, shopping trips with no money. I hated the night club scene and would go and the come home early…. Unless they played ‘The Cure’ then I was quite happy to dance away in my own private bubble.”
Moving On
“I didn’t intend on coming home and staying but a job came up with BP Oil, another admin position but suited me at the time. After a short time, I was able to secure a loan for my own flat and walk to work and have the independence I craved. A few romances and then I met a man and got engaged and married within 6 months. My job advanced to looking after field reps who managed petrol stations across the UK.”
Babies then a move to Paradise.
“During that time I also had two babies who are now 21 and 16 ( Mia and Nancy) and then the third Jenny (14) whose arrival was the catalyst to our move to New Zealand The UK was becoming quite overcrowded at this point and we didn’t want to grow old there or bring our children up there any longer.”
Sarah Arrived in New Zealand in November 2005.
“And I haven’t been back to the UK since.”
“Although I continue to keep in touch with friends and family.”
Kapiti Life
Sarah is involved with the Kapiti Women in Business Group, Chamber of Commerce, Kapiti Now and various other local groups. Sarah can keep you updated with all things Kapiti and most importantly the current landscape of the Real Estate market.
With her three daughters Mia, Nancy and Jenny and a passion for yoga, running and general well being Sarah has a busy and fulfilling life here on the Kapiti Coast.
If you would like to get to know her better and find out how she will help you achieve your real estate dreams; call her anytime.
Mobile: 027 453 6530 Office: 04 299 6044
Website: Sarah George - Bayleys