Electra Business Breakfast Goes Virtual Donates to Kapiti Foodbank

Electra Business Breakfast Goes Virtual Donates to Kapiti Foodbank

“The Electra Business Breakfast is super pleased to be operating in Alert Level 2 and we are hopeful Level 1 will not be too far away,” says Helene Judge of Kāpiti Business Projects. Each month we will decide the best approach for safe B2B networking, whether that be a webinar or getting back together in-person at the Southward Car Museum. As an independent networking programme, our objectives are clear – to inspire, connect and engage.

Advertising services to help Kapiti Businesses

Advertising services to help Kapiti Businesses

Tony Cutting of Tony Cutting Digital a local marketing expert who specialises in helping businesses learn about how to get the most out of digital marketing and owns Kapiti Now has developed an affordable marketing package to help Kapiti Businesses during this very tough time.

Electra Business Breakfast B2B Networking Goes Virtual

Electra Business Breakfast B2B Networking Goes Virtual

“The Electra Business Breakfast is pleased to have made it through lockdown and hopefully we are progressing towards Alert Level 2,” says Helene Judge of Kāpiti Business Projects. The Electra Business Breakfast offers an independent business networking programme that usually takes place on the first Wednesday of each month except in January. This is the time we take a break to rest and rejuvenate for the year ahead, like most New Zealander’s.

Kapiti Run for Youth Goes Virtual Wraps in Recognition of Youth Week

Kapiti Run for Youth Goes Virtual Wraps in Recognition of Youth Week

“Kapiti Run for Youth is excited to be wrapping it’s 2020 virtual event and to be announcing its result during ‘Youth Week’, a nationwide festival that runs from 9 to 17 May to celebrate the talents, passion and success of young people,” says Richard Calkin, Founder of Web Genius. The aims of this festival align with the underlying inception of Kapiti Run for Youth back in 2011 which continues to be relevant for us today. We have closed the event with a total of $20,583 in the bank which is only $114 less than what we raised in 2019, $20,698.