Speed limit changes confirmed for Kāpiti local roads

The Kāpiti Coast District Council has confirmed new speed limits for 47 rural roads and three village centres (Paekākāriki, Raumati South and Raumati Beach) in Kāpiti, following community consultation earlier this year on Stage 2 of a districtwide review.

Council’s Group Manager Infrastructure Services Sean Mallon says the review was in response to public requests for particular roads to have their speed limits looked at by Council, and aims to make roads in Kāpiti safer and more efficient.

“This review has been all about achieving speed limits that reflect the form and function of their road network and importantly, make it safer for all road users,” he says.

The roads under review were assessed and new limits proposed on the basis of safety risk, the road environment including land development, speed limits on adjoining roads and any changes on those roads since original speed limits were set. Council also took into account national rules and guidelines for speed limits administered by the NZ Transport Agency. This was the second and final consultation in the review, which began in mid-2017 with Stage 1, and saw speed limit changes brought in for 36 roads across Kāpiti. 

Mr Mallon thanks everyone who’d contributed to and made comments or submissions on the proposed changes. That included residents, Community Boards, the Police, the NZ Transport Agency, the Automobile Association, Kapiti Cycling Action, the Road Transport and Heavy Haulage associations.

“We received 224 submissions, which showed majority support for each of the proposed speed limit changes. We know there will be some who don’t agree with the decision, but this is ultimately about safety and helping people move around our district for efficiently.” 

The full list of speed limit changes and the rationale can be found on the Council’s website. Council will be in touch with submitters and residents with the details of the final changes.

It’s expected that the new limits take effect from mid-July 2019.

About other speed limit reviews:

The Council’s review of local roads is separate from NZ Transport Agency’s speed limit review of old SH1 roads between Raumati and Peka Peka, which is part of their SH1 revocation work.


Kapiti Ultimate Duo

Te Atawahi Maginness

Te Atawahi Maginness

New Zealand Ultimate named the Under 24 Mixed Team  to compete at the 2019 Malaysian Opens in Malaysia from 22 to 23 June 2019. The squad, coached by Liam Haberfield has been preparing players for the tournament with two national training camps. Selected were past Kapiti College students Ballad Woodley (21) and Te Atawhai Maginness (20), both who play for the University of Canterbury Ultimate team. Woodley and Maginness picked up the game 2 years ago and play and train with local Christchurch clubs and the university. They will be playing for Mangopare the NZ under 24 mixed team. Both are very excited about the upcoming trip and to be representing NZ in the sport. Woodley-Hanan made up his mind 18 months ago to make a NZ team in the sport, "I absolutely love the game and knew from being a competitive swimmer I had the discipline and I just took every opportunity to play any game I could to gain experience". 

Following the Malaysian tournament Maginness who was also selected for the NZ women’s under 24 team will head for Europe for the Ultimate world champs, in Heidelberg, Germany from Saturday 13th July to Saturday 20th July, 2019. Maginness has shown herself to be a great force in the team and was nominated this year for outstanding emerging talent for the sport. She says her  life has been ridiculously busy with uni, work and training's. " I’ve been sprint training, strength training, and playing in 3 leagues, I'm so excited to be finally going".

Ballad Woodley-Hanan

Ballad Woodley-Hanan

Ultimate Frisbee or Ultimate as its usually called combines the non-stop movement and athletic endurance of football with the aerial passing skills of netball, a game of Ultimate is played by two teams with a flying disc or Frisbee™ on a field with end zones, similar to touch rugby. Ultimate is considered unique because even at international level the sport is self-refereed, governed by the Spirit of the Game which is written into the rules. It is hoped that the Olympics in 2024 will include the game.

Article - Amanda Hanan

Free Art and Creativity Workshops with experienced and respected tutor John Cornish.

You are invited to come and meet us, experience some hands-on art making and learn about the classes we offer.

Where: Tutere Gallery and Creative Space,48 Tutere St Waikanae Beach

When: Thursday June 20th 6.30 - 8.30

Wednesday July 3rd 6.30 - 8.30

Materials: provided

Cost: free

Please register a place by contacting John Cornish directly on 021 238 6656 or at johnhcornish@gmail.com ( please note the 'h')

Grumpy old men - we want you.


New Zealand has a problem.  There is a pandemic of grumpy old men.  They are also getting younger every generation and unfortunately many are leaving this earth way before they need to.

They once were the local sports stars, or the local bloke who loved to fish, tramp, hunt and play. They were legends, indestructible and bullet proof.  They were happy ‘back in the day’.

However, as they have gotten older, they seem to be hit by a pandemic - the blues.
What use to be their sex appeal, is just something they wish they could use.

They get tired easily, everything seems just that much harder, they would rather sit and watch the world an engage between the couch and the larder.

Weight problems, modern day stress have caused them to give up way too early on life.

They seem set in their ways, to stubborn to change.

While their wives or partners enjoy themselves in a plethora of women’s health clubs, women’s only business networks and those special ‘me’ days.  The man of the house gets given tasks to do and the pleasure of being alone with himself and a fridge for the day.

The reality is we men are getting unfit, lazy, overweight, stress and very, very grumpy.

We turn to beer and food and mates, generally what happens to our health?
Yes it deteriorates. Soon we cannot bother going to the club or the pub.  The lounge is just so comfortable, anyway I do not eat that fancy grub. Yes I am grumpy.

GOM Logo.jpg

Time for a change


Grumpy Old Men is a project to help turn our legends of yesterday into healthy, happy fathers, grandfathers and good neighbours and friends.  The guy you go to who has all the energy in the world, is a little cheeky at times and always seems happy.  He is well networked, very successful and has knowledge that is usually reserved for men not quite like him.

He is tough but has a softer side that helps him communicate with those strange people of the other gender.  He is a leader, mentor and a brother to other men.  Men with different mothers.

He is no angel, but he is fun to be around, and his big healthy heart is an inspiration to more than just his family.

He is loved for all the right reasons.


Grumpy Old Men – The Pilot Project 

Starting from Sunday 30th of June 2019.  The Grumpy Old Men project kicks off. 

Men from around the Kapiti / Horowhenua region who want to change but in a way that makes sense to them will gather fortnightly to get and stay on track.  They will meet from 10am to 11am at venues around the Kapiti Coast.  They will come with different goals and will work with others who help keep each other on track.  Everyone is different and a range of solutions will help tailor the best way to help each man get on track.

They will learn about how to make simple changes that will have an enormous impact of their life.  They will start a journey that brings them lifelong happiness, health and companionship. 

They will learn the skills to manage their lives, manage everyday stress and bring back that champion. But not because of what they have done, but because of what they are.

Find out more visit us on Facebook here

A grumpy old man - will regain connection, health and happiness.

- Grumpy Old Men (Kapiti)

Community Acupuncture - Every Saturday with Waikanae Acupuncture Clinic


Community Acupuncture enables people to come and find out all about the health benefits of Acupuncture as well as get a treatment at a community rate of just $20 for the hour.

You will be with a group of people sitting in a room learning about Acupuncture and getting treatment for your particular needs. This is a highly recommended way to get introduced to natural chinese medicine which has over 2000 years of development and success.

Every Saturday morning from 10am to 11am

There is room for up to ten patients so please book be emailing jason@acutohealth.co.nz

Fourteen Kāpiti venues in Wellington on a Plate

This August’s Wellington on a Plate event sees Kāpiti venues out in force with fourteen venues offering special menus, cocktails or events. There are 9 burger, 5 dine and 3 cocktail menus on offer.

There are also six special Kāpiti-flavoured events, including local producers venues, Nga Manu Nature Reserve and a Kāpiti Island boat trip with lunch.

As part of the event’s push to bring a more regional focus to the programme this year, the WoAP website features a Kapiti-only section www.visawoap.com/kapiti launched this month. 

Council supports the popular annual event as part of its economic development programmes.


Applications for rates support in Kāpiti close 30 June

Council is reminding ratepayers on low incomes, or families with high water rates and two or more dependents who receive Working for Families tax credits, that government or Council assistance may be available to help pay some of their rates. Around 2000 Kāpiti households receive this support each rating year. 

Kāpiti is one of three Districts trialling online applications for the government subsidy for the first time this year, through the Department of Internal Affairs. Applications to the Council, for people who haven’t already applied for the rating year ending 30 June, are open online or by completing a form until the end of this month. 

Information on who might qualify and how to make an application is on the Council website www.kapiticoast.govt.nz/ratesrebates or the DIA site at www.govt.nz/getrebate



Council to improve safety of Waikanae Beach intersection

Waimea & Te Moana Intersection - Photo: Tony Cutting (Kapiti Now)

Waimea & Te Moana Intersection - Photo: Tony Cutting (Kapiti Now)

The Council is responding to calls from the community to improve the safety of a busy intersection in Waikanae Beach, where Te Moana Road meets with Ono Street and Waimea Road.   

“It’s a busy intersection and an important connection point for this part of Waikanae Beach. We’re taking steps to make it as safe as possible for the many motorists, pedestrians and cyclists who go through it every day,” says Kāpiti Coast District Council Group Manager Infrastructure Services, Sean Mallon. 

“The works will include establishing pedestrian crossing points, kerb realignments, improved road markings and better footpath connections on the corners of Waimea Road.” 

Mr Mallon says concerns have been raised with the Council about increasing traffic volumes passing through the intersection in recent years. 

“It’s a popular crossing spot for pedestrians and can get very busy during rush hour, so we’re making these improvements now to reduce the risk of accidents happening in the future.”  

“The crossing points, road markings and kerb realignment will increase visibility on the intersection, for both pedestrians and motorists, and help to stem the speed of traffic.  

“We’ll be starting work on the upgrades next week and expect they’ll take about two months, subject to weather.  

“Traffic management will be in place throughout the improvement works so we urge people to allow a little extra time for their journey and to take care when passing through the intersection.”


Greater Wellington Regional Council must declare a Climate Change Emergency

Photo by Agustín Lautaro on Unsplash

Photo by Agustín Lautaro on Unsplash

Media release by Mayor K Gurunathan Wednesday 12th June 2019 

Greater Wellington Regional Council must declare a Climate Change Emergency given their release of a new report predicting significant sea level rise and storm surge impacts on the region's coastal residential and commercial properties. 

On Monday morning GW's Facebook posted an alert for the public to view its report "Sea level rise and storm surge modelling" published on its council website. Given the significant impacts predicted by this modelling it will be remiss of GW if it does not declare a Climate Change Emergency. 

The public alert comes as a surprise as the regional mayors had not been briefed and Kapiti had made it clear that KCDC councillors had to be briefed first plus we had requirements to brief two of our coastal interest groups early. 

Now that GW has made it public, it has a responsibility to underpin the dire predictions of the modelling by making a declaration of Climate Change Emergency. And immediately activate its responsibility to fund its share of the community-led coastal adaptation process. We have already made a submission to GW's Annual Plan for this funding and look forward to GW supporting our vulnerable coastal communities. GW is the key consenting authority for coastal defensive structures. 

Kāpiti Coast District Council, which is facing significant climate change related coastal erosion, inundation and inland flooding, has already declared a Climate Change Emergency on 23 May. We have also committed the organisation to be Carbon Neutral by 2025. 

I look forward to a positive response from GW chair Chris Laidlaw and his councillors.


Mother's Day "Kids vs Mums" Games at Hoop Club Kapiti on Sunday 12 May

Every year Hoop Club Kapiti hold their annual "Kids vs Mums" games at Hoop Club on Mother's Day. This is something all our players really look forward to.

It is always a great fun day with both the Mums and Kids all having a great time but both all trying to win.  In fact it can get very competitive and this year was no exception, the Mums were all there out in force, and the players were keen to show off their skills they had learnt at Hoop Club.

The sessions started off with the players and the Mums doing the warm ups and skills and drills together. Then all the Mums took part in the Hot Shots Competitions with the kids watching and cheering their Mums on from the side lines.

After that the official Kids vs Mums games were played and all the games were all very close, but All the Mums were the winners on the day!!! As it should be!!!

If Mum wasn't able to be there players invited an older Sister, Aunty, Grandmother, Nana or Friend.

Hoop Club Kapiti also holds the same event - "Kids vs Dads" games on Father's Day so look out Dads - September is not that far away!!!

Photos attached from the day - photographs by Dawn Ireland-Spicer

-Hoop Club (Kapiti)

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Mother's Day Games 2 (002).JPG
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Mother's Day -May 2019 photos 3 (002).jpg

Council seeking public input on future of open spaces

The Council is calling on Kāpiti communities to get involved in shaping the future of our District’s open spaces including parks, sports fields, reserves, the local environment, playgrounds and trails.   

“We’ve just completed the first round of consultation on a refresh of our Open Space Strategy, which will set out Council’s priorities in managing our District’s open spaces over the next 30 years,” says Kāpiti Coast District Council Parks & Recreation Manager, Alison Law.  

“We gathered a lot of feedback from our stakeholders and the community via workshops and an initial survey, asking people what they like about our open spaces and what they’d like to see from them in the future.  

“That information, combined with other research, has been collated into an Issues and Opportunities paper. We’d like people to visit our website, read through it, and let us know if we’ve got it right. 

“We know people care passionately about our open spaces, so please get involved and help us build a strategy that delivers for Kāpiti Coast communities, the environment and our future.”  

The Issues and Opportunities paper and a short survey will be open for feedback on the Council’s website until the end of June.



Youth Development Centre makes shortlist for national local government awards

Zeal youth Centre.jpg

The Kāpiti Coast District’s new Youth Development Centre built in partnership with Zeal Education Trust is a finalist in this year’s Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) EXCELLENCE awards in the Social Wellbeing category.  

Kāpiti Coast District Council Deputy Mayor Janet Holborow says that the Youth Development Centre is the result of many years’ collaborative vision, planning, and hard work, and is pleased that it is being recognised.  

“The Council has been a supporter of the Youth Development Centre’s creation since 2013, but its inception was absolutely a youth-led initiative that would never have been realised without the generous support of local businesses and the Kāpiti community. They all recognised that our District needed a safe place for youth to meet, learn, and grow and worked hard to make the Youth Development Centre a reality.” 

“The Centre’s model is tailored to the needs of young people in our geographically and culturally distinctive communities – it’s outwardly focused with satellite services offered around our communities with existing organisations. The end goal is to enhance social wellbeing by supporting young people develop skills, fostering whanaungatanga, and providing safe youth gatherings. It works,” Ms Holborow says.  

The partnership developed with young people is unique. Young people participated in Council briefings and the design and delivery of engagement and consultation. The Council supported its youth council to raise awareness of the Long Term Plan consultation on the Youth Development Centre among young people which achieved over 300 youth submissions in support. Young people were involved in the advisory group and on the procurement panel alongside the Council and community leaders. 

Zeal General Manager David Orchard says the Youth Development Centre has positively changed the face of the Kāpiti Coast community by offering a wide variety of programming.  

“The Centre directly addresses the specific needs of our District’s young people. It was built using strategies they developed themselves and engaged the wider community. It was conceived by them, designed by them, and now that it’s operational, it’s the youth who use it. It’s a powerful formula that is leading Kāpiti Coast’s youth strongly into the future.” 

Category winners will be announced at a gala dinner during the LGNZ Conference, to be held in Wellington on 8 July 2019.