Section One - Setup Check list
Is your business listed in our website directory and does the directory listing link directly to your website (or Facebook page if you do not have a website).
Have you been invited to join our Kapiti Now & Horowhenua Today Facebook Group? If not contact Tony.
Have you been given ‘Editor’ rights to our main marketing pages on Facebook Kapiti Now and Horowhenua Today these are the pages which are customer facing and known as our Facebook marketplace. They contain local news, community news and marketing from our business members.
Have you set up your Business Networking page on Facebook? Instructions on how to set up this page and why we use this approach is in section three of this Training Programme.
Have you been sent this years meeting calendar? Please note the calendar includes dates of other meetings across the Kiwi Business Network. As a Kapiti Now / Horowhenua Today member you can visit any other meeting once a year - this helps if you have services or a product that reaches beyond the Horowhenua Kapiti Region.
Have you liked the Kiwi Business Network Facebook page?
Have you been invited to join the Kiwi Business Network Group? this connects you to all business members in the greater network growing around New Zealand.
Need more help - Message Tony Cutting
Tony is happy to have a ZOOM meeting with you and work through any of these steps.