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African Tours and Safaris

If you’ve ever had “community involvement in a developing country” or “African safari” on your bucket list, but not quite had the courage or know-how to make it happen? Well now may just be that time!   

I’ve spent a lot of time in Africa, particularly in Kenya and now I’m offering three super-affordable, tailored package trips to Kenya and Uganda.  Each of our three tours offer a different experience of Africa.  

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Africa Tour Operator and More!

Hi I’m Denise, I am a Kiwi and I have a great love of Africa as the title of my book “I share my heart with Africa” suggests.  In 2011 my husband and I built our first primary school in a  large slum of Kenya, and in 2014 we established a second school in another slum.  Over the years I’ve been asked repeatedly if I would think about taking tours to Kenya for both voluntary work at the school, and local tourism/safaris.   Knowing how magnificent Africa is, how an African experience can actually be life changing, I decided recently to do just that and became an Africa Tour Operator!  ​

Life in the 21st century is busy and often full of negativity.   I want people to have a travel experience that makes them go WOW… and makes them stop and think!

​When I started thinking about what I wanted from my trips, the first and most important thing to spring to mind was to offer a “grass-roots Africa experience”.   I want my guests to have an experience that is as local as you can get because that’s ultimately the best experience you will ever have.

Contact Denise

M. 027 636 5229


W. (make bookings here)